Specialist in the Forestry Industry
The company Forest Services Plant Roman Kostera was established based on the State Forests’ wood depot in 1996 amidst pine forests, near the Moscow-Berlin transportation hub.
The company Forest Services Plant Roman Kostera was established based on the State Forests’ wood depot in 1996 amidst pine forests, near the Moscow-Berlin transportation hub.
Our primary production focus includes white planed stakes for trees and grapevines, as well as palisades, mini palisades, etc., for the gardening program. For production, we utilize pine logs and poles purchased from five Forest Districts of the Zielonogórska and Gorzowska Directorate of State Forests.
Our primary production focus includes planed stakes for trees and grapevines, as well as turned stakes for the gardening program. For production, we use Scots pine and spruce poles purchased from State Forests with proper management compliant with PEFC standards.
We process approximately 12,000 m3 of medium-sized pine raw material annually.
The final product is sent to 80% of companies in France, England, Sweden, and Italy. We also collaborate with Polish companies.
Planed stakes with diameters of 3/5 cm, 4/6 cm, 6/8 cm, 8/10 cm, 10/12 cm, 12/14 cm. Lengths of stakes according to customer orders. Planed stakes for the English market with diameters of 50/75 mm, 95/100 mm, 100/125 mm, 125/150 mm, 150/175 mm, 175/200 mm. Lengths of stakes according to customer orders.
Turned stakes with diameters ranging from 40 mm to 140 mm, with lengths customized according to the client's order.
The option for pressure impregnation of stakes in green or brown color.
Option for saturating stakes with creosote oil.
Zakład Usług Leśnych
Roman Kostera
64-360 Zbąszyń
Tel/fax: 068 3847220
Mobile: +48 508 054 616